Eurofurence 23

by Rivalmit

Posted on September 04, 2017

And Now back home form Eurofurence :D
I'm very happy with the Artsow result and just like last year we did a bit of live demonstration of how the Companion figures work and balance. Some even had the chance to try it and experience it for themselves.

Eldnsay and Akulatraxas Helped me with unpacking and setup of the art piecess at which point the  full rotations were recorded for the hompage Gallery :)

I'm very happy with the Artsow result and just like last year we did a bit of live demonstration of how the Companion figures work and balance. Some even had the chance to try it and experience it for themselves.

Afterwards Eldy and Aku once again helped me pack the sculptures. Had I not had their help, I'd be stuck there till 1AM again to have everything packed for the buyers ^^

Also I received a custom shirt from Aku. The sculpture of his character as a silhuete is printed on the design with the text "Mother of dragons".
The quote was taken from Game of thrones and has become a sort of inner joke between us because I seem to have gathered quite a dragon following :)



As usual Eurofurence wa over before you knew it :O Far too soon. But just like last year we satyed with Akulatraxas in Berlin for a little while longer.  He and  Wolfgryph showed us around the citty, we seen many famous landmarks and had fun :)


and much more :)