Toothless Balanced Sculpture

#toothless #httyd #dragon #sculpture #companion #nightfury #how #to #train #your #dragon

Project Documentation available

You can check out how this piece was made by clicking the here!

This was a gift made for a friend. there was plenty new things  I tried with this one.

One of the challenges was the pattern that seemes to only show up at certain lighting. I'm happy I actually managed to recreate the effect more or less ^^ 


Now he belongs to Akulatraxas

rotation Photos by:  Akulatraxas Akulatraxas

A rather harsh description they wrote for an rather cute dragon, right?

toothless httyd dragon sculpture companion nightfury how to train your dragon Toothless Balanced Sculpture

toothless httyd dragon sculpture companion nightfury how to train your dragon Toothless Balanced Sculpture


brandon mccullar sonar the dutch angel dragon commented 5 years ago
i love toothless he so cute i want one of those
RacZoon commented 7 years ago
One of the finest renditions of Toothless I've ever seen, and probably the most presentable.....and unique.