Commission Information

Here you will find all the artistic pieces I offer for commission. You can choose from various categories like sculpture, paintings or digital art. When ordering, be sure to click the correct “order” button. Located next to the category you are interested in.


Standard Companion sculpture

Base price: 430€

What are The Companions?

The pieces belong to a line of balancing sculptures, sometimes also named 'Desk Companions'

They have their own little stand to stand on and are balanced in a way so they stand on their own, requiring absolutely no additional support. In fact, they are not attached to the stand and can just as easily stand on your hand or finger if picked up.

The medium companions are on average around 15 cm (5.9 inch) in body height. With the tail they average around 23 cm in total (9 inch)

These sculptures are more detailed than their Mini counterparts. They are more anatomically correct with the right proportions.The medium companions are on average around 15 cm (5.9 inch) in body height. With the tail they average around 23 cm in total (9 inch)



Mini Companion sculpture

Base price: 270€

What are The Companions?

The pieces belong to a line of balancing sculptures, sometimes also named 'Desk Companions'

They have their own little stand to stand on and are balanced in a way so they stand on their own, requiring absolutely no additional support. In fact, they are not attached to the stand and can just as easily stand on your hand or finger if picked up. 

The mini companions are thus far the smallest in the series and are on average around 9 cm (3.5 inch) in body height. With the tail they average around 15 cm in total (5.9 inch)    

 Their simpler design allows for an adorable look, one  meant to resemble cute childlike proportions. (or they can be made to look sinister :P)

Traditional Sculpture

The traditional sculpture can be of any size, can be made with a a simple, complicated, “camouflaged” base or without it.

The sculpture can be made out of single material, or it could be a mixed media sculpture (created with various material to achieve the desired look) 

Base prices

Heights x length:

15 cm -420€

25 cm -570€ 

35 cm -770€ 

(note: Base prices are measured by resting neutral pose- form snout to back legs of the sculpture. Large tails, wings or any other extra large mass is additionally calculated
example: a dragon figure of 15 cm size, would additionally have roughly another 15cm length of tail, totalling 30cm in resting neutral pose)  

Digital Art

Digital paintings, badges, stickers, etc.

A digital 2D artwork. What can be considered as digital artwork? it can be everything from:

digital painting,


badges of your character ,




simple comic

Maximum page count per comic: 15

Prices per page:

  • 2-5 panels: 50€


  • shading +20€
  • extra panel +10€

detailed comic

Maximum page count per comic: 15

Prices per page:

  • 2-5 panels 90€


  • shading +20€
  • extra panel +10€

Traditional art

Paintings and Speedpaintings


Price € mm inches
160 € 420 x 594 mm 16.5 x 23.4 inches
100 € 297 x 420 mm  11.7 x 16.5 inches    
70 € 210 x 297 mm  8.3 x 11.7 inches  



Price € mm inches
370 € 420 x 594 mm 16.5 x 23.4 inches
270 € 297 x 420 mm 11.7 x 16.5 inches
170 € 210 x 297 mm 8.3 x 11.7 inches


watercolors, drawings & sketches

Relief and scratch-board paintings

Relief paitnings have the surface of the canvas sculpted to create texture or in a shape of a subject which is then painted either in one colour to emphasise the texture or fully coloured using the rough surface to my advantage and bring the shapes out even more :)


Scratch-board paitnings are created by first hand layering coats of paint on top of eachother, each a shade different and then using a sharp tool to engrave the surface, removing the layers untill the appropriate color shows through.




380€ 420 x 594 mm (A2) 16.5 x 23.4 inches
200 € 297 x 420 mm (A3) 11.7 x 16.5 inches
130€ 210 x 297 mm (A4) 8.3 x 11.7 inches



If there is anything you would be interested but it's not alredy in the listed categories, just enter here and we will see whats possible. Wire trees, key chain pendants, stained glass imitations, etc.



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I offer high quality artwork, sculptures and mix media made with love and passion. We will work closely together to make your idea come to life. I like people being involved in the progress and I keep you updated step by step. I am very experienced in feral and fantastic creatures like dragons and gypthons but already did the most exotic things like robots and steampunk designs. Have a look through the completed commissions on the right or read review/testimonials of past commissions. A lot is possible - if you have any questions please ask!

Click on the "request this" button and you will find all futher instructions inside :)

Trade Details coming later.

Request Details coming later.