Tiny Akulatraxas dragon

#sculpture #dragon #miniature

This was an interesting experience. I really want to do another  because I've thought of better ways to make certain details to make them look better. something for next project then!

 The idea to make this one first came to me many years ago when I saw some stones that looked like miniature boulders or miniature mountains. I wanted to do a mini  critter  on them. over the years I continued to find similar stones that seemed perfect sor a miniature base and one day I saw a really nice orange rock in an animal store being sold as aquarium decoration. It looked just like formations and land scape in Arizona and similar places which was  visually similar to what Aku imagined for his dragon living area. SO I decided to make this sculpture using Aku even if it took me another year to actualy  get to it :P


Photos done by @Akulatraxas

sculpture dragon miniature Tiny Akulatraxas dragon

sculpture dragon miniature Tiny Akulatraxas dragon

sculpture dragon miniature Tiny Akulatraxas dragon


Snadimus commented 4 years ago
So small!