Companion Large dragon Akulatraxas

#sculpture #companion #dragon

Project Documentation available

You can check out how this piece was made by clicking the here!

Photos by Akulatraxas  Akulatraxas

This is a super detailed and super big companion made for Akulatraxas (A EF special )

The detailed shots :D and a reel :)

Super detailed Companion which makes a Dragon really happy ;). He won award at Eurofurence Art Show 2016

sculpture companion dragon  Companion Large dragon Akulatraxas

sculpture companion dragon  Companion Large dragon Akulatraxas

sculpture companion dragon  Companion Large dragon Akulatraxas

sculpture companion dragon  Companion Large dragon Akulatraxas

sculpture companion dragon  Companion Large dragon Akulatraxas


Stormyn commented 7 years ago
Now, THIS is a magnificent Dragon (capitalized!). Admire your work and talents! I'd love to be able to acquire one of your works!