The Price of Immortality

#ef22 #companion #sculpture #dragon #skeleton

Project Documentation available

You can check out how this piece was made by clicking the here!

This one was quite different form my other sculptures since I got the chance to play a bit with the most delicate features like small finger bones and muscle tendrils.


Photos & story by: Akulatraxas Akulatraxas 

"For such short lived creatures as we humans are, the average dragon lifespan seems already unimaginably long. At least when they do not slaughter each other in territorial or power conflicts before they reach the end of their natural lifespan.
But for some of them it's still magnitudes too short.

"Luckily" there are ways of prolonging the physical presence in this world, quite massively even. However, such practices come with high stakes and even for those which not fail the procedure it comes at high costs. While being practically immortal the bodies are not thoroughly immune to the tooth of time and more often than not start to rot away which is quite unhandy, especially for flying.

Dragons deciding to bestow such fate upon themselves should have gathered enough slaves to do most of the work that their failing bodies can no longer do."

That is what you get when you want to life forever. You start to rot at certain places.

ef22 companion sculpture dragon skeleton The Price of Immortality

ef22 companion sculpture dragon skeleton The Price of Immortality

ef22 companion sculpture dragon skeleton The Price of Immortality


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